hosted when the international organization ITUC (International Trade Union Confederation) held their 4th World Congress in Copenhagen under the theme "Building Workers' Power: Change the Rules". More than 1,200 trade union members from 132 countries attended the congress.
Visibility of the ITUC and their work were important elements in building both the show, the congress and the stage. Both the foyer and the conference hall also had to have clear references to the organisation's work – to ensure better working conditions for workers all over the world. Get Visual delivered on that for sure.
”Get Visual – we told them to do just that – get visual – thank you”
Generalsekretær Sharan Burrow
The level of ambition was high. Already early in the planning phase, Get Visual was in close dialogue with the customer to find a solution that could fully match both the event and the customer's expectations for an international event.
ScenograPHY branding the organisation

The level of ambition was and still is high. Already early in the planning phase, Get Visual was in close dialogue with the customer to find a solution that could fully match both the event and the customer's expectations for an international event. All decoration in the conference hall and surroundings were designed based on the conference's theme and with respect for ITUC's logo and visual identity.
Already upon arrival at the conference, participants were greeted by images representing workers from around the world. Entrance doors and large window sections were foiled, and the overall theme exposed on large banners both outside and in the foyer.
The conference hall sent signals that the ITUC takes their cause seriously and that they embrace the whole world. A stage held in the warm colors of the logo reached out to the participants, and a lighting design on the walls of the meeting hall, where large and small round elements in the colors of the logo moved unnoticed across the walls as a symbol that there is room for everyone.
The big screen displayed the speakers and their presentations – blended with images representing all kinds of workers, specially produced animations and video.

When a congress has to reach the whole world, interpretation is necessary - both for those in attendance and for those following from a distance. Everything was translated into English, but in addition there was interpretation into a further 11 other languages.

ITUC represents 207 million workers in 163 countries and everyone must be able to follow along, even if they are unable to be physically present.
The entire congress was streamed live, and afterwards several of the features were available to watch on demand.
In Get Visual, we were involved right from the idea phase. We were responsible for everything from planning to design, production and project management to technical execution. For the customer, it created security, and the satisfaction was great, as we could all look back on a well-executed conference.
We are happy to show several examples of how a fully integrated AV solution - from idea to execution - can do something special for your conference - also how the very small things sometimes make a big difference.
The earlier we are involved in the process, the better we can create a solution that fits your meeting exactly.